martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Blossom Fever by hellophotome

Quite the fever it was! It's amazing to see how many people will come to Washington DC just to see the cherry blossoms this time of the year. As the cherry blossoms burst open, people arrive just as quickly. I live near DC, so I took the Metro down to see if maybe I can get a neat picture of the trees. It ended up doing a bit of compare and contrast between the blossoms as the people. Fascinating, to me! Seems like a common thing lately for me--go to a place with a plan for a picture, and come out with something very different in mind. Keeps things interesting, anyway. Enjoy the Spring weather while lasts; Summer is right around the corner! This was again taken with my 70-200 lens. May be the last picture I upload for a little while. I have a month trip planned for Taiwan in May. Can't wait! via 500px

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