lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2014

Fenestration by everlookphotography

Cathedral Cove New Zealand On a clear morning at Corromandel, I imagine this scene is one many people have seen who venture down to the area before dawn. Though I hope the end result reflects a peace of some sort, the reality was a bit of a jostle with other photographers on a holiday long weekend who varied from being polite , to completely inconsiderate. I must admit that after some time of being photobombed, I ended caving and just setting up for what i wanted to photograph instead of being considerate. Can't beat 'em, join 'em however, isn't an attitude I'd like to promote when 'ems behaving badly. On a contrary note, thank you to the group of super talented photographers who helped with ideas editing this image! You know who you are :) We've recently returned from a week away on holiday around victor harbor and strangely enough , i did not have to contend with a single other photographer for the whole week! [Deviant Art Gallery] [Facebook] [Web Gallery] [Flickr] [G+] via 500px

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